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CTC Claim List

CTC Claim List page displays a list of ctc claims submitted by employees.

Note: Depending on the manager/spoc assigned for ctc reimbursement task at a stage, he will be able to view it when he logs in for approval.

How to approve ctc claim?

1. Click Claim Code. Following page will open.

The below image shows the remaining columns of Claim Details section.

Processed Amount Non Taxable amount processed that is non taxable.
Processed Amount Taxable amount processed that is taxable.
Carry Over To Next Month amount carried over to next month.
Unprocessed Amount amount not processed.
Processed Comments comments of processer.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click 0.0 (Processed Amount Non Taxable) for Medical. Following pop up will open.

Self/Relationship list of relationships with you for whom you want to submit medical bills. You can choose one.
Patient Name name of patient.
Bill No. bill number.
Bill Date date of bill.
Amount amount of bill.

4. Enter the required information.

5. Repeat step 4 for another patient.

6. Click Next button.

7. Select Declaration checkbox.

8. Click Approve button. Following pop up will open.

9. Click Confirm button. Ctc reimbursement task moves to Completed stage. No further action is required.

How to approve tax declaration?

1. Go to Home tab. Search for Task Code under My Tasks. Following page will open.

2. Click Proof Verification. Following page will open.

Approved Amount approved amount for a particular section.
Approver Remarks remarks from approver.

3. Enter the required information.

4. Click Approve button. Tax Declaration task will move to Proof Verified stage. No further action is required.